HORSEPOWER, Inc., Weighs in on Racing Indictments
Dear Editor:
The indictments of 27 trainers, veterinarians and drug distributors (many associated with New York racetracks) shine a spotlight so bright it is impossible for the public or policy makers to continue ignoring racing industry abuses or the bills introduced over the last decade that have languished and died in committee (albeit more humanely than the equines such bills propose to help).
Horses serve New York through agriculture, breeding, farming, law enforcement, racing, sport and therapeutic riding. According to the NYS Horse Council, our equine industry produces goods and services valued at over $2 billion annually, and creates over 35,000 full-time jobs. However, we can no longer allow the financials of the industry to provide excuses for looking the other way.
HORSEPOWER Inc. — People Organizing for the Well-Being of Equines and their Rights, a new organization devoted to equine policy, calls upon policymakers to take these indictments seriously and work toward meaningful reforms. Among the legislative proposals awaiting attention are S.1976, that would prohibit the use of performance enhancing drugs in horseracing, and a new bill, S.7719/ A. 9989, which seeks to prohibit slaughter of racehorses and their stock for consumption, mandates microchipping and provides for an aftercare fund.
We believe it is possible to honor and protect equine welfare while still participating in equine sport. But the latter must be preceded by stronger regulations, care and humane approaches. Serious consideration and stakeholder input on such proposals provides a step in the right direction. Taking bigger strides is long overdue
Published in the Queens Chronicle March 20, 2020