HORSEPOWER, Inc. Calls on Congressional Delegation for Assistance
People Organizing for the Well-being of Equines and their Rights
April 15, 2020
Dear Representative,
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has impacted every American institution, industry and household. Some are fortunate enough to have the capacity to weather a period of hibernation while we attempt to flatten the curve. Unfortunately, many independently owned and operated businesses, cannot withstand a prolonged hiatus – especially in the instance where such business is responsible for the care and well-being of numerous 1200-pound living, breathing, dependent beings. Such is the plight of our equine boarding and lesson facilities.
As we are sure you understand, maintaining a thriving equine industry is essential to the health of New York State’s economy. According to The New York State Equine Industry Economic Impact Study, “The equine industry has a $4.2 billion effect on the state’s economy and generates 33,000 full-time jobs. Equine commerce also results in $187 million in state and local taxes for New York. The thousands of horse farms, training centers and riding stables doing business across the state preserve 1.3 million acres of open space. There are 157,500 horses in New York.”
As is the case across the country, New York’s Governor issued an Executive Order on March 20, a ten point policy effort, known as “PAUSE,” to stem the rampant transmission of co-vid 19 through a directive to close all “non-essential'' businesses statewide, effective at 8pm March 22. Equine boarding and lesson facilities are not considered, by the state, to be an essential business. While understandable given the current health crisis, the abruptly cancelled lesson and training programs (the bread and butter of such facilities) is creating a crushing financial tsunami, leaving in its wake, a lifeblood of the state’s economy.
While the initial federal CARES package included a number of vehicles for potential relief, we would assert that our state’s equine facilities were left out of the equation to a degree, as they do not qualify for all options and remain in need of assistance. As such, we urge you to champion the following remedies and work to include them in the federal relief package you are currently working on:
· Allow equine facilities eligibility for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan funds and make such eligibility clear in the expected forthcoming guidance,
· Allow a pandemic to be a qualifying event for the USDA disaster relief program loans. Currently, USDA disaster relief loans are only available to small farms in the event of a natural disaster, and
· Create an Equine Disaster Relief Fund for the state’s boarding, lesson and rescue facilities. A $10 Million fund to be made available to the estimated nearly 2,000 boarding, lesson and rescue facilities across the state. To be administered, similar to the federal relief fund for the general public – in successive months following enactment to help mitigate a fraction of anticipated losses during the most difficult months. These payments will be made with the stipulation that they must go toward the operating, maintenance and care costs of the facilities and the equines.
The only bright light in this crisis has been the sense of community and compassion that it has ignited across the country. While we recognize our Representatives are scrambling to find quick solutions to protect the most vulnerable at this time, we implore you not to forget about the equine segment of the economy.
Karin Carreau Nancy Miller
Co-Founder Co-Founder
HORSEPOWER, Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in New York State, working to assure the safety and well-being of equines through education, awareness and allies.